Technologies is in our name.
We build products unlike any other smart safe company in the world. Our engineers have spent decades developing novel technologies designed to deliver the highest value to our customers for many years of rigorous use.
An intense R&D investment has lead to an industry-leading patent portfolio and a highly differentiated range of smart safes. Please explore our many innovations in the categories below.

Anti-Theft technology is what prevents access to people with the wrong credentials or outside of designated business hours. We use a balance of mechanical deterrents and electronic tamper detection to slow down break in attacks. We have multiple patented technologies in our security design elements that provide the most cost effective, comprehensive protection offered in the industry.

Access Control
Access Control technology is what permits equipment access to the right people at the right time. Methods supported are highly secure, easy to manage, and simple to use.

Electronic Validation technology is available throughout our catalog of equipment. Advanced multi-wavelength optical scanning and inductive scanning techniques are used in note, coin, and rolled coin cash management products.

Web Services
Web Portals are used to aggregate data from cash management equipment and provide remote management capabilities. Once data is aggregated, powerful reporting options and service data analytics tools are available. Data can be communicated to one of our various web services partners using a cellular modem built right into our safe controller.

Encryption technology is used to protect data as it passes between the safe and the outside world and between components within the safe. Encryption protects our generated access control data and financial reporting data from hacking.